Championing a new initiative like your wellness clinic requires a great deal of attention, consistency, and reliability for its sustainability, hence the need for every therapist onboarded on this platform to be on the same page with us by signing the following Agreement:

The Therapist agrees not to have any contact with Clients referred from or connected to Your Wellness clinic outside of the confines of the accepted Therapist and Client relationship, including any type of personal relationship.
Therapists must maintain a professional boundary with their clients. Building a trusting and safe therapeutic relationship is essential, and romantic or inappropriate relationships between therapists and clients are strictly prohibited to uphold the integrity of the therapeutic process. No relationship shall exist beyond your wellness clinic website.

In the event of Client complaints resulting from the use of any Therapist Service provided under this Agreement, Your Wellness Clinic shall forthwith notify the Therapist.
The Therapist shall notify Your Wellness Clinic immediately of any complaints they receive directly from Clients regarding the Therapist Services.
The Therapist shall promptly address any Client complaints they receive and shall respond to the relevant Client within 24 hours from receipt, whether the complaint was received directly from the Client or through Your Wellness Clinic Platform.
To ensure the timely resolution of Client complaints that arise in connection with Therapist Service, the Therapist agrees to make all efforts to resolve any complaints within 5 working days from receipt, whether the complaint was received directly from the Client or through Your Wellness Clinic Platform.
The Therapist agrees to keep Your Wellness Clinic informed of the progress and outcome of any Client complaint, whether the complaint was received directly from the Client or through Your Wellness Clinic.

Therapists undertake that they will keep confidential any information that is confidential concerning the other party and the information relating to any Client of Your Wellness Clinic.
The Therapist understands that they are responsible for safeguarding their Login Details and are responsible for all transactions made using their password. The Therapist will not share their Login Details or provide access to another individual using their password
In addition, the Therapist shall not disclose or disseminate the Confidential and Proprietary Information to any third party and shall not use the Confidential and Proprietary Information for their benefit or the benefit of any third party.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Therapist shall be prohibited from discussing the Your Wellness Clinic Platform with a representative of the press or media, either directly or indirectly, without the Your Wellness Clinic Platform’s express prior written
For the duration of your membership, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Platform for the sole purpose of accessing and using the Service by the terms of the Agreement and for no other purpose.
The Therapist shall perform the therapist Services by all laws and regulations applicable to the Therapist Services, including all laws and regulations related to data protection.
The Therapist shall accept all Bookings and must only refuse to acknowledge them under extraordinary situations, otherwise, the Therapist shall be found to violate this Agreement and may void any fees owed to it by this Agreement. The Therapist is accountable for ensuring that all the Listing Information and Content that the Therapist uploads and publishes during the session is factual, relevant, and not misleading.
The Therapist agrees not to offer the Therapist Services to Clients referred from your wellness clinic, or with any connection whatsoever to Your Wellness clinic, outside of the agreed terms and conditions in place with Your Wellness Clinic be it on the Therapist’s own or under a different private practice.
If a Client recommends the Therapist Service to a new potential Client, the Therapist shall request the Booking to be made through Your Wellness Clinic, otherwise the Therapist is in breach of this Agreement.
The Therapist shall ensure that all actions undertaken whilst providing the Therapist Services to all Clients adhere to the highest possible professional standards and are by the Therapist’s professional setting as well as the guidelines of all professional bodies of which the Therapist is a member.
The Therapist agrees to provide high-quality care to all Clients regardless of the Client’s race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, ethnic or national origin, disability, health status, socioeconomic status, marital status, or political affiliation.
The Therapist consents to the use of performance measures that reflect Client satisfaction, Client retention, Client feedback, and Client outcomes for quality purposes.

Your wellness clinic payment is commission-based. We take a fixed percentage regardless of the type or duration of the session. All Fees will be deducted by us directly from the Client’s payment. Session payment is taken automatically before the completion of the booking. You will receive payment for all the sessions successfully taken and marked as such on the system by completing the session outcome, by the end of the month.
We reserve the right to change the fee at our discretion, you will be duly and immediately notified of the change. The fee change will not affect sessions already in progress or those already booked with the Client.
The therapist’s remuneration model shall be structured such that 40% of the session’s value is attributable to the practitioner’s expertise and interventions, recognizing the client’s integral part in achieving the desired therapeutic goals.

The therapist shall not exceed the time paid for by the client, unnecessarily prolong the session, or reschedule the client in case issues were not resolved during the session. Clients should be encouraged to make another booking on the website when necessary and in the event of an unforeseen delay, the therapist shall not grant more than five minutes of extra time to the client irrespective of the circumstances.

Sessions booked by clients will automatically be billed and there shall be no refund for cancellation, and practitioners will be paid for their time for such sessions irrespective. In the same vein, a therapist who canceled sessions without giving a prior 48 hours notice to your wellness clinic ( to enable the timely option of reassignment of clients to another therapist shall equally have a deduction of the number of sessions canceled from their monthly payment. If this cancellation situation occurs three times in a month, the Counselor shall be removed from the platform and will have the option to appeal to reapply.

Agreement Signature

Please Append your signature by filling in the form below, and then checking the approval Button to consent to this term.